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Mein Irland

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    How Ireland embraced the shameless plug

    We’ve abandoned modesty, given humility the boot and discovered the joy of rampant self-promotion

    • #KulturUndTradition
    • #GeführteTouren
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    Subtlety is overrated. After all, who needs to be subtle when you’ve got pristine waters, fabulous food, a fascinating history, and people who are warm, welcoming and funny as can be.

    Exhibit A: these shameless chancers who have taken self-promotion to dizzying new heights and who want nothing more than to tell you why their business is a MUST on your Ireland bucket list.

    They’re going to show you why it’s always a good idea to go exploring in Ireland, to throw away the guidebook, to forget the itinerary and simply experience the place and its people. Because you never know what wonders are around the next corner and who you’re likely to meet...

    Ireland's most shameless pluggers

    Roger McClure, Riverside Adventures; Suzanne Burns, Kinsale Food Tour; Angela Newman, Hysterical Histories; Bart Gosdur, King of the Vikings

    There’s Roger, sales executive turned kayak instructor at Riverbend Adventures; Angela at Hysterical Histories who’ll explain why Cork really IS the best place in the world; and Suzanne from Kinsale Food Tours who says the seafood in this harbour town is so fresh that the fish jump from the sea right onto your plate. She used to be a zoologist so we’re not going to argue with her.

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    Riverbend Adventures, Kilkenny city

    If you want a bit of magic sprinkled on your visit to Kilkenny, Nevin from Shenanigans Walks is the tour guide (and keen amateur magician) to provide it. Meanwhile, in Waterford, the oldest city in Ireland, luxuriantly bearded Viking Bart is on hand to guide you through the virtual reality King of the Vikings experience. Last, but certainly not least, is Ray from Mount Congreve Gardens in County Waterford, a passionate gardener who’ll convince you that life is indeed better if you get your hands dirty.

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    Nevin from Shenanigans Walks, Kilkenny city

    Shameless plugs: the extended edition

    Let our shameless pluggers sell you in their own words.

    Shamelessly plugging Ireland

    We’ve given our shameless pluggers a chance to entice you. Now, it’s our turn to tell you why Ireland should be top of your holiday wishlist.

    It’s beautiful, for starters. Green fields, meandering rivers, dramatic coastlines. Everywhere you look, you’ll find sights that will fill your heart with the beauty of nature and experiences that will rejuvenate your soul. You can’t put a price on that, can you?

    It’s right beside you so getting here couldn’t be easier. We’re talking multiple flights every day to Dublin and Cork and ferries to Dún Laoghaire and Rosslare. No long journeys, no hassle and – here’s the best part – no visa required (thank you, Common Travel Area)!

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    Ray Sinnot (right) at Mount Congreve Gardens, County Waterford

    There is SO much to see and do when you get off the beaten track. Dive into the past as you visit the stately mansions and ancient monuments of Ireland’s Ancient East. Escape into nature amidst the tranquil waterways of Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands. Experience the rugged west coast as you explore the Wild Atlantic Way.

    We think Ray from Mount Congreve Gardens says it best when he asks “Where else would you rather be?”

    Shameless pluggers in Ireland

    And where to find them


    Hysterical Histories Cork - Dinner Theatre Experience

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    Riverbend Adventures

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    King of the Vikings

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    Mount Congreve Gardens

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    Shenanigans – The Kilkenny City Walk

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